Our Experience and Track Record

“We have a strong track record of successfully steering projects from concept, planning to financial close through to construction and operation”

ESP has executed over 300+ consultancy projects in 20+ countries comprising 20+ GW of renewable capacity, 800+ MWh
of BESS and 5+ GW of hydropower plants’

Experience Highlights

  • Our experience in power system studies covers continental-scale interconnected systems exceeding 50 GW in capacity and comprising EHV network up to 765 kV ac and 1000 kVdc

  • Conducted specialist power system studies on 150+ projects ranging from generation integration, grid code compliance, operational and long-term planning of country and continental scale power pool networks, nodal pricing and EMT specialist studies, etc.

  • Conducted specialist studies on system stability, sub-synchronous resonance and EMT for the UK EHV ac transmission system and UK-Netherlands HVDC interconnector

  • Conducted detailed EHV interconnection dynamic studies on the Southern African Power Pool involving 13 countries for unlocking regional renewable energy trading

  • Engineered and project-managed several state-of-the-art renewable generation projects and landmark transmission projects up to EHV (400 kV) including large scale FACTS devices

  • Conducted dozens of demand forecasting, supply/demand analyses, electricity tariffs, energy market and trading for developers, utilities, power pools and private customers

  • Conducted dozens of due diligence, pre-feasibility, bankable feasibility studies for generation and transmission projects

  • Developed numerous bespoke power systems software tools for applications such as demand forecasting, economic dispatch, transmission nodal pricing, reliability assessment and financial models

  • Providing ongoing technical training to power utilities, governments, IPPs for skills development and capacity building

To view samples of projects executed by ESP